sysAgNPs - Systematic Quantification of AgNPs to Unleash their Potential
for Applicability
There is variation across AgNPs due to differences in
characterization techniques and testing metrics employed in
studies. To address this problem, we have developed a
systematic evaluation framework called 'sysAgNPs'. Within this
framework, Distribution Entropy (DE) is utilized to measure the
uncertainty of feature categories of AgNPs, Proclivity Entropy
(PE) assesses the preference of these categories, and
Combination Entropy (CE) quantifies the uncertainty of feature
combinations of AgNPs. Additionally, a Markov chain model is
employed to examine the relationships among the sub-features of
AgNPs and to determine a Transition Score (TS) scoring standard
that is based on steady-state probabilities. The 'sysAgNPs'
framework provides metrics for evaluating AgNPs, which helps to
unravel their complexity and facilitates effective comparisons
among different AgNPs, thereby advancing the scientific
research and application of these AgNPs.